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Plaukimo ratas, baltas


Plaukimo ratas, baltas.

Maudynių metu būtina užtikrinti mažųjų saugumą! Nesvarbu, ar baseine, ar jūroje, ar prie ežero, plaukimo ratas visada bus saugių maudynių palydovas.

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SKU: IKKX4959_2 Category:

Plaukimo ratas, baltas.

Mielas gyvūnėlis bus puikus draugas plaukimo metu! Patvarios medžiagos garantuoja ilgaamžiškumą ir saugumą, o tai taip pat labai svarbu. 76 centimetrų rato skersmuo užtikrina saugumą, o jo maksimali 40 kilogramų apkrova reiškia, kad ir vyresni vaikai galės juo naudotis. Plaukimo ratas bus puikus būdas padėti vaikams žengti pirmuosius žingsnius vandenyje ir išmokti plaukti. Jis užtikrins vaikų fizinį ir psichinį saugumą, apsaugos juos nuo skendimo ir suteiks komforto jausmą, kuris taip pat gali padėti įveikti vandens baimę.


  • Greitai pripučiamas, patogiai sandėliuojamas.
  • Ratas turi vieną kamerą, kurią pripūsti reikia nedaug laiko ir nereikia papildomų pastangų.
  • Apsauginis vožtuvas užtikrina, kad oras laikytųsi rato viduje.
  • Nepripūstas gaminys užima mažai vietos, todėl jį galima pasiimti su savimi į baseiną ar važiuojant prie jūros.
  • Maksimalus vartotojo svoris: 40 kg.
  • Amžius: 8+ m.
  • Rato dydis: 84 cm x 76 cm.
Weight 0.26 kg
Dimensions 0.72 × 0.00 cm


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Swim ring, white


Swim ring, white.

It’s time for some aquatic fun! When the scorching heat of summer hits, everyone, especially children, craves a refreshing dip in the water.

Swim ring, white.

It’s time for some aquatic fun! When the scorching heat of summer hits, everyone, especially children, craves a refreshing dip in the water. But how can you ensure the safety of your little ones during their summer swim? The answer is choosing the right swim ring!

SWIM RINGS – CHILDREN’S BEST COMPANION FOR WATER ADVENTURES Whether in a pool or at the lake, a swim ring offers countless opportunities for enjoyment. It not only makes swimming easier but also helps children feel confident, even if they’re not comfortable in the water or don’t know how to swim.

To make the inflatable swim ring more appealing to children, it takes the form of an adorable animal. No toddler can resist such a delightful design! The colorful appearance, adorable animal ears, and a wide smile will undoubtedly capture the attention of everyone, regardless of their age. This charming animal companion will make swims even more exciting.

The swim ring will provide hours of entertainment and will serve for more than one season. Its durable materials ensure longevity and uninterrupted fun during any water adventure.

SWIMMING RINGS – ENSURING SAFE SWIMMING FROM A YOUNG AGE The swim ring’s dimensions ensure safety and proper buoyancy. With a diameter of 76 centimeters and a maximum weight capacity of up to 40 kilograms, it’s suitable even for older children.

This swim ring is an excellent safety measure for a child’s early experiences in the water and while learning to swim. It not only provides physical safety by preventing drowning but also offers mental reassurance, helping children overcome their fear of water.

QUICK INFLATION, EASY STORAGE The single-chamber design ensures convenient and instant inflation without any hassles. A safety valve ensures that the air stays inside.

When deflated, the product occupies very little space, making it suitable for the garden, trips, or a day at the lake.

Wholesale Ikonka also offers various other beach accessories, including different inflatable swim rings, deck chairs, beach mats, air mattresses, and much more!

PRODUCT INFORMATION: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Maximum User Weight: 40 kg Age: 8+ DIMENSIONS: Swim Ring: 84 cm x 76 cm Packaging: 15.5 cm x 30.5 cm x 2 cm The swim ring comes in a foil packaging.

Weight 0.26 kg
Dimensions 0.72 × 0.00 cm


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